Why Mattering Matters

Recently I had the privilege of hearing Jennifer B. Wallace, the author of the book, "Never Enough" speak about the profound need for children to feel they matter. This same principle extends far beyond childhood – it's a fundamental human need that persists throughout our lives, even into our roles as business leaders.

Just as children thrive when they feel valued and significant, so too do business leaders. The desire to matter, to feel our contributions are meaningful and recognized, is essential for our well-being and success.

When business leaders feel they matter, they are more engaged, motivated, and resilient. They bring their best selves to their work, driving innovation, fostering collaboration, and inspiring others to greatness.

Conversely, when this need goes unfulfilled, it can have profound effects – leading to disengagement, burnout, and diminished performance.

As an executive coach, I've seen firsthand the transformative power of helping leaders recognize their inherent worth and significance. By nurturing a sense of mattering, we empower leaders to unleash their full potential and create positive change – not only in their organizations but in the world at large.

So let's embrace the truth: mattering matters. It's not just a nice-to-have; it's an essential ingredient for thriving leadership and vibrant organizations. Together, let's cultivate cultures where every individual feels they matter – because when we do, we unlock boundless potential for growth, innovation, and impact.

In business, as in life, mattering is the foundation upon which greatness is built.


Are You Living An Authentic Life?


Essentialism 101: Say No!